Excerpt from my speech “The Inner Path of leadership” delivered at the final stage of the European Economics Universities Competition organized, by IMA. Is the inner path the one to leadership?
Leadership, leader
The word “leader” and its related terms are present in our daily vocabulary in numerous ways. Some people seek individuals with leadership abilities. Others are searching for ways to become leaders or develop their leadership skills. In Google’s service, Google Trends, you can observe the high search rates for the term “leader”. As well as the increasing percentages for the search terms “What does leader mean” and “What does leadership mean.”
While there is a great interest in leadership, and the available information is extensive and seemingly inexhaustible, we still face the paradox of a shortage of individuals with leadership abilities. The absence of leaders is evident not only in the business world but also in politics and every aspect of our society.
And I’m thinking!
Is it a modern trend to use concepts solely for the purpose of impressing? I believe that it is. However, the problem lies in the fact that we don’t need words and phrases to make an impression. We need to comprehend the meaning behind them. We should approach concepts without the need for grandiosity.
That is because,
Leadership abilities are important for every individual, not only for their professional development but also for their personal lives.
These skills are not acquired solely through external knowledge but also through internal knowledge and experience.
These skills are developed through continuous processes; they are not simply innate or bestowed upon us. As we grow, learn, and encounter new things, as well as meet new people, we continually discover new aspects about ourselves and the world.
Understanding the deeper meaning of ourselves and the world around us is the essence of leadership. Without understanding, leadership does not exist, and we simply refer to reckless and euphemistic leadership. To be conscious, one needs a high awareness of reality, one’s own thoughts, and emotions. It involves recognizing and surpassing self-deceptions, rejecting outdated beliefs and values.
At this point, one might ask: Why do I need to discover myself to become a leader?
Since leadership is a mental and emotional state, leadership is not a position; it is a mindset. Developing leadership characteristics involves enhancing our way of thinking. The evolution of thinking is not a scientific process that can be analyzed or a profession that can be taught. Instead, it is an experiential journey based on real-life situations. We only gain experience when we deeply assimilate the events that occur. To deeply assimilate them, we need to reflect on what happened within a given framework. So to truly understand their real meaning. This is the inner path of leadership.
“Just as nature keeps precious diamonds hidden and miners need to dig deep to discover them, so do a person’s skills serve as hidden gems. To uncover these gems, one must delve deep within themselves. The journey to discovering these skills is challenging, but it is the path that will guide them towards becoming a leader.”
— Elias Kalyvas